The founder
After almost a decade of extensive experience working in the high end travel industry, proudly representing some of the world’s most inspiring hoteliers in the international luxury market, Gro Linn decided to start NORDFOLK.
The word means “people from the north” and couldn´t be more fit for the Norwegian who believe in most people have the same desire to of exploring their inner sole and this authentism, you will easily find in the nordic. When interacting with other culture, borders gets smaller and the world becomes more at peace.
Gro Linn has a reputation of being a strong networker, collabrating greatly with the best people in the industry.
“I have a passion for people and when the pandemic hit, it came natural to create a space to connect the best travel professionals. The hub is still very much alive and it gives me the drive to believe that this interaction that are being created every day, designs to open doors and facilitate growth.”
I am so thankful for all the beautiful people I have learned to know, and I truly believe that the most engaging and passionate people is to be found in the travel industry.
With hope of being your preferred and trusted partner in the north, I am beyond exited to provide you with private places, amazing accommodation together with experiences you have never discovered.